Before DevOps became a thing, software development and IT operations existed in two separate silos. Even as both groups worked on a single project, one focused on software creation while the other oversaw testing and implementation. And while specialization remained front and center, efficiency had to take a backseat.

This was the case for a number of years, until the realization dawned that development and operations could perform better as a unit. In fact, exploiting the synergies between people, planning, and technology led to a far more efficient software development process.

Efficiency was the major byproduct of DevOps. Instead of waiting for one group to complete their work before the next took over, software development became a continuous, collaborative process.

Conducting a DevOps bootcamp allows for your team to gain skills that make for an efficient team and workflow in IT and software development.

A fusion of communication and collaboration skills are crucial for successful DevOps—and the results speak for themselves. Teams can now focus on common goals and expectations, and share information and feedback to achieve their aims. Specifically, a successful DevOps bootcamp delivers the following benefits to your team:

With a synergized team working round the clock, you can produce fully coded and tested product faster and more efficiently. Adding automated tools and software can advance the timetable even further.

Using DevOps instead of siloed processes means everybody becomes better equipped at adapting on the fly. A unified approach also means nobody gets left behind when dealing with changing market conditions.

Continuous development refers to identifying and fixing issues before they grow into bigger problems. Faster identification means fewer bugs, which ultimately leads to more stable programs.

When things go wrong, a DevOps structure can recover faster than a non-DevOps one. Here, a unified approach has a better chance of identifying the problem as well as finding the fixes to get systems back on track. For potentially unrecoverable situations, it becomes easier to blow things up and start over if everyone is on the same page.

Getting the right DevOps mindset is essential for budding IT talent. Having these related skills can help them become better teammates and collaborators. This can ultimately lead to faster and more efficient delivery of superior and more stable software solutions.

Getting others to buy into your designs and your solutions requires a sound set of communication and collaboration skills. These also help break down barriers faster and more effectively than confrontational means. Considering that DevOps is a highly technical undertaking, good communication helps keep everybody in the loop. Meanwhile, the right collaboration skills help ensure that all team members understand and accept their roles.

At the heart of every proficient DevOps engineer is adeptness at coding. The popularity of low- or no-code solutions, artificial intelligence, and cloud systems might make you think the importance of coding skills is negligible for entry-level positions. However, coding remains a critical skill when considering someone for a DevOps position.

At the minimum, DevOps engineers need to master programming languages to create scripts for automated software. They also have to understand source code management to keep track of entire projects. Without the talent for coding and scripting, it won’t matter if they went through a DevOps bootcamp; engineers won’t have the requisite qualifications to automate tasks or manage source codes.

Once the team hurdles the build phase, it’s time to test whether the software works as designed. The DevOps team will need to develop automated testing processes. Doing so requires proficiency in several quality assurance testing tools that can simulate all probable outcomes and check whether the program holds up.

Ultimately, testing should bring to light any defects in the software that could negatively affect performance. It should also expose any previously unforeseen risks to the software that might crop up upon release. Finally, testing and QA should help identify potential processes or fixes that could improve the end product.

With more and more corporate information moving to the cloud, DevOps professionals should also count cloud computing among their many talents. Those with a mastery of any of today’s major cloud systems—such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform—can be assured of gainful employment. A background in database management, serverless architecture, and quality assurance also goes a long way toward earning cloud certification.

With more and more corporate information moving to the cloud, DevOps professionals should also count cloud computing among their many talents. Those with a mastery of any of today’s major cloud systems—such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform—can be assured of gainful employment. A background in database management, serverless architecture, and quality assurance also goes a long way toward earning cloud certification.

All the skills mentioned above won’t be enough to make a DevOps professional successful if they don’t also have matching security and compliance skills. Companies not only face a host of external threats against their data on a daily basis, they also need to ensure compliance with local and national regulations.

Many businesses still insist on keeping independent security and regulatory teams. Nonetheless, having the DevOps teams involved in both concerns can help create better synergy across the organization. In addition, it’s beneficial to have security and compliance checks included in every stage of the software development process so as to avoid possible oversights.

Are you aware of the importance of having a DevOps team but remain undecided about adopting the system? Are your budget and manpower issues preventing you from implementing the solutions you want? If you answered “yes” to any of the above, you might want to consider outsourcing the solution to your problems.

Growin is an IT consultancy company that can provide the answers to your concerns. We understand the tradeoffs that come from being an agile, nimble operation. Our highly skilled IT teams—including DevOps specialists—can help you develop the best solutions for your particular situation. With Growin by your side, no problem is too big or complicated to address. We can also assist you in finding the right mix of people, processes, and technology to achieve your goals on time and within budget.

We’d love to hear from you and answer any questions about your specific needs. Leave us a message and we’ll be happy to get in touch. Together, let’s get Growin.