DevOps once consisted of two camps—software development and software operations—with each team content in its own silo. But when the development team wanted constant evolution while the operations team was focused on stability, choosing the best course of action became a challenge. This is where DevOps came in to integrate both functions and make software development, testing, and rollout a dynamic and continuous process. Benefits of this new configuration included faster turnaround times as well as a more efficient way to squash bugs.

DevOps has become popular among software companies and IT professionals because of its ability to bridge the communication gap between development and operations. However, demand for DevOps teams has outstripped supply. Faced with a local skills shortage, software companies have embraced the most practical solution—outsourcing. The result is access to a wider pool of less costly but similarly-talented experts. Outsourcing has also allowed companies to scale accordingly without worrying too much about the implications.

Although outsourcing has many strengths, it has its share of weaknesses too. Teams working in different locations—and time zones—can turn what should be an instant solution into a next-day one. Further, communication gains made by DevOps teams can get watered down by language and cultural differences.

Meanwhile, nearshoring can provide all the cost-effectiveness of outsourcing—but without the conflicts in time and culture. Nearshoring companies are usually found in countries that are quite close geographically—often sharing the same or similar time zone. And while cultures may be distinct, the proximity suggests that ties between the countries have spanned decades—sometimes centuries.

DevOps team
Assembling a DevOps team can be more complicated than you think – which nearshoring can help you with.

Continuity is one of DevOps’ strong suits. In fact, the DevOps concept uses an infinite loop to symbolize the continuous synergy between development and operations. In reality, a well-adjusted team can provide continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous testing throughout the software cycle.

Continuous integration focuses on testing the combined code modifications found in a shared repository for problems. As such, developers are able to isolate code issues and create fixes faster and more efficiently. Meanwhile, continuous delivery—in other words, the automatic release of software for production—allows the team to minimize manual interventions whenever a new software batch goes into production. Finally, there’s continuous testing, which focuses on checking the entire software development process. These features enable quicker identification and resolution of problems, eliminating the need to wait for the completed build.

Nearshoring DevOps teams equipped with the right tools can supply better and faster delivery of software solutions compared with their outsourcing counterparts. Considering that even a day’s delay can be worth millions in lost opportunities, timely delivery remains crucial for IT consultants.

DevOps thrives on communication and collaboration—which nearshoring teams can exploit to keep the two groups in sync. It’s also helpful to establish a feedback loop that steers clear of blame culture and rather search for solutions. This is a great example of a strong communication culture.

With nearshoring, time differences are likely negligible, as are any cultural or language divisions. As a result, teams don’t have to wait for a day or more before seeing the results of a collaboration. This close proximity also allows for a better and more timely exchanges of ideas—a critical input to DevOps team dynamics.

DevOps is all about sharing responsibilities and increasing opportunities for collaboration. The culture encourages sharing tools, resources, and teams—the aim being to create a unified front and deliver the needed solutions. This mindset is largely compatible with nearshoring teams, emphasizing the importance of a closer work environment that promotes innovation and learning opportunities.

Training people in the same time zone is simpler—and usually more rewarding—than training people on the other side of the world. That’s because at least one participant in the program is having to work during what should be their down-time. In contrast, nearshoring teams will share a similar energy and enthusiasm with their business counterparts thanks to the similar location.

Transforming your team’s work culture into a positive one requires revisiting your present system. Are there any bottlenecks or gaps that prevent team members from seeing eye to eye on certain matters? Do teams communicate regularly and have a mechanism to address problems and oversights? Finally, are all members comfortable dealing with one another? Information Technology teams tasked with solving problems will need to improve dynamics if they want to consistently hit their goals. Those that want to improve their team culture should consider the following improvements:

DevSecOps is an evolved form of DevOps that integrates security features into its design processes. Instead of the traditional way of checking for security problems near the end of the software creation cycle, security tests occur throughout the developmental phases. This method offers a greater probability of identifying glitches and coming up with fixes during the earlier stages of development.

Similar to security, compliance is another extremely sensitive area for software development. The focus here is on regulatory conformance. There exist a number of federal and state laws regarding the collection, processing, and storage of private data. By having DevOps incorporate regulatory conformance checks closer to the beginning of the software development cycle, it should be easier to deal with future compliance guidelines.

Nearshoring teams in particular can benefit greatly from the increased attention to security and compliance. In fact, it’s not uncommon for nearshoring locations to share privacy and security laws with clients located in the same vicinity. In many cases, they both fall under the aegis of the same local data privacy laws. Similarly, shared coverage in compliance matters can help ensure that both parties do not run afoul of local laws at any point during the development cycle.

Choosing the right DevOps team can ensure the timely delivery of software. While outsourcing can significantly lower the cost of hiring a professional to do the work, newer problems may arise to replace existing ones. This includes time disparities of up to half a day, language issues, and cultural differences.

Growin is a nearshoring IT outsourcing company that gives its clients access to a much wider talent pool. You can easily assemble a crack team of DevOps professionals without having to sweat about the excessive staffing cost. In addition, nearshoring helps prevent cultural and language barriers from making an impact on your synergy.

Learn more about how Growin can take your DevOps plans to new levels! Simply visit our website, fill in the online form, and let us know a bit more about your business. We’ll be happy to call you back, discuss your goals, and help you find the solution you need.